WORK® Coffee

A new great tasting, fair trade, organic coffee with a special adaptogenic formula that helps you stay focused while maintaining healthy stress levels to boost your performance throughout the day.

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We’re not coffee experts. Far from it. But we do know what it’s like to work 40, 50, even 70 hours a week and we can’t imagine doing that without great coffee. Coffee is loaded with natural antioxidants and essential nutrients. It also contains caffeine, which is the world’s most consumed stimulant. Too much caffeine can cause some unpleasant side effects, like anxiety and irritability. That’s why we created WORK COFFEE, a great tasting, premium, organic coffee with a proprietary adaptogenic herbal formula that helps eliminate some of the jittery effects associated with caffeine while helping you to stay focused and energized throughout the day. We like to call it “fuel for the workforce.”

Hey, maybe we are coffee experts after all.

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Coffee is naturally loaded with good stuff. It’s high in antioxidants and contains several essential nutrients which provide powerful health benefits. We made it even better by adding our own proprietary adaptogenic formula.







WORK COFFEE is a premium, medium roast, fair trade coffee sourced primarily from Central and South America. We worked for over two years with roasters and herbalists to find the right blend. Some adaptogens are naturally bitter and can dramatically alter the taste of coffee. The herbs we selected for our proprietary formula compliments the natural flavor of coffee. Here’s the thing. WORK COFFEE tastes like coffee because it is coffee.

We know there are lots of “alternative coffees” out there, but have you ever tasted one? Oh, I bet you’re thinking, “It’s good for me so it must be an acquired taste.” Think again. Welcome to your next great cup of coffee that tastes great and is good for you.

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What’s the Best Way to Make WORK Coffee?

Make WORK COFFEE the way you would normally brew your coffee. Since WORK COFFEE is blended with a special adaptogen formula you may find adding a little more will give you a richer cup. We find adding an extra half measure for every six ounces of water works for us, but experiment until you get the right mix for you.

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